Every year since 1999, the New Year’s predictions have been that THIS WILL BE THE YEAR OF MOBILE. Back then – if you didn’t have a mobile strategy, your bottom line would not be impacted too badly – that is not the case in 2022.
If you don’t have a mobile strategy then you will be leapfrogged by companies and countries that are adopting mobile behaviour faster and in more innovative ways than you.
We started doing mobile marketing in 1999 and despite what the makers of the iPhone want you to believe. Not much has changed.
Back then SMS was the only way to message a phone and, devices with names like Palm Pilot and Psion allowed users to take apps with them – to get news updates, to read restaurant reviews and weather forecasts and play games.
90% of the apps in the iTunes or Android store are no more advanced than the apps of 1999. Most do not take advantage of the unique qualities of a mobile device, especially one that is connected to the internet at high-speed and location aware.
We can sell you a great mobile app, but before we do, we have to convince ourselves that you wouldn’t be better off just optimising your website for mobile devices.
Rather than rushing off and spending a lot of money on mobile, experience tells us that spending a little bit of time getting your mobile marketing strategy right, as part of you larger digital marketing strategy will save you money in the long-run.
There is a temptation just to paste our online marketing services menu here. After all – mobile is increasingly just another marketing channel connected to the internet. But mobile does have certain properties that should be considered when designing and executing a successful mobile marketing campaign.
- Mobile Marketing Strategy : What’s right for you?
- Mobile Advertising : In-App, In-Game, SMS, Coupons, Vouchers, QR Codes…
- Application Design & Development : For iPhone, iPad, Android
- Mobile website optimisation : HTML5, Mobile SEO,
- Mobile marketing partnerships : Networks, social media platforms…
We could be an agency that does mobile marketing only – but the reason we’re not – is that they don’t work. Mobile marketing only works when it is consistent with your brand goals and the rest of your marketing plan.
Most mobile marketing campaigns will not be stand alone. More often than not, mobile marketing is part of a larger program that may involve outdoor advertising, sponsorship, print ads or even TV or radio.
You probably don’t have the time to talk to a marketing agency and a digital marketing agency and an SEO agency and a mobile agency – so we have combined them all into one.