
Podcast EP 3 – Crypto Goes Mainstream?

Ep 3 Crypto Superbowl banks in metaverse

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In which we talk about the adoption of Cryptocurrency, banks in the metaverse, the future of browsers and UX and ownership models.

Show Notes

(00:57) Uber and Apple will accept cryptocurrency… Link
(01:25) In 2010, 2 Pizzas were bought for the price of 10,000 Bitcoin… Link
(07:33) Are banks worried about Crypto? Should they be?
(10:10) JP Morgan in the Metaverse… Link
(12:05) Walmart in the metaverse – Shopping Carts?
(13:40) The future of Malls…
(17:11) I’ve never owned an iPhone snippet
(20:13) Firefox, Browsers and UX in Web3
(21:43) The Brave BAT Token…
(27:21) The ‘Crypto Superbowl’
(34:42) Listener Question: Question about ownership models. Why in RL are people moving away from owning things e.g. Rent the Runway? Uber… but in VR it’s all about owning stuff. Land / Branded clothing etc…? from Alia, Dubai. Ask your own question here…
(36:20) Why do I have to buy land? Why can’t I have a yacht…?

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